Tag: Fantasy Western

  • NaNoWriMo Update Three

    Sort of keeping pace here, only a day behind at 1132 words this update and 5139 total. Left lying in the dirt and dust right in their path was a body. Katherine only needed one guess to know who it was. “Well now,” she mused as she brought her horse to a stop and hopped…

  • NaNoWriMo Update Two

    Having not written anything yesterday I struggled a bit to make up for lost time. Didn’t quite make it – only 1509 words this go round. Not bad though, only a hundred or so off quota.   The sun was going down. In the Badlands it seemed to do that faster than just about anywhere…

  • NaNoWriMo Begins

    Alrighty, it’s half an hour until midnight and I’ve got today’s chunk of words done. According to Google’s word count, that’s 2498. Not a bad start. Of course, I may not get to work on it much Saturday, so this bit of padding is good. Anyway, here it is – Untitled Fantasy Western.   Katherine…

  • Rough plot outline for UFW

    Holy plot outline, batman! So this is what I’ve got so far for the Untitled Fantasy Western. I’m probably not doing this right. I’ve never really done a plot outline before. And even though I’m treating this as a flexible outline rather than how it’s gonna be, you know… spoilers ahoy. – Introduce our hero,…

  • A Little Bit Of Dramatis Personae

    So hey! I finally got some characters worked up for my nanowrimo project. Names are still up in the air, but the basic characters should stay more or less the same. Katherine Bishop: A middle aged woman whose grandparents emigrated from the old world. They stayed in the more established cities on the coast until Katherine’s…

  • Characters in UFW

    There are two things I still need to hash out before NaNoWriMo. Well, probably more than that, but there are two on my mind just now. One is a plot map. Normally I’m a seat of the pants writer, making things up as I go along with only a vague idea of a plot until it’s…

  • Fantasy Western Worldbuilding

    So I’ve been thinking more about the setting for my currently untitled Fantasy Western. In order to get the sort of “wild west” setting I’m wanting to do you have to have a place where a relatively developed people are only just settling in. If this is taking place on a continent where people evolved…