Phase two is followed, of course, by Phase three: Profit.

Phase two is getting Clockwork & Old Gods out there and noticed by people who would want to purchase it. In order to do this there’s the usual social media stuff – twitter, a facebook page, google plus, etc. But those are far from the only ways to promote a book. Word of mouth is good, but it’s a game of diminishing returns. Plus it’s slow, and I’m impatient. Thus I look to other means, such as blogs that review ebooks. Searching around the intertubes there are more than I would have thought, so this seems like a good way to get some exposure.

My book has already been noticed by one – Coffee Time Romance, which listed Clockwork & Old Gods in their new steampunk section.

… Writing out “Clockwork & Old Gods” is getting slightly tedious. Henceforth I shall abbreviate it to COG. Yes, that will work.

I plan on submitting COG to a number of review sites in the coming weeks. Depending on the site it may take some time for reviews to show up.

And then there’s the place where COG took it’s first breath as a full story – Protagonize. Protagonize is a cooperative writing community. You can post chapters of solo works or collaborate with other authors on group works. There’s a rating and comment system to provide feedback on your writing. There are also various groups you can join. All in all it was a pretty neat place, and I’ve been thinking about writing the COG book two rough draft there. I want any ebooks I sell to be DRM free, so I’m not terribly worried about people being able to read a rough draft there for free. With any luck they’ll like what they see and be willing to pay for a finished ebook.

Oh, and COG is at the Kobo store now: Clockwork & Old Gods


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