Tag: Worldbuilding
A Little Bit Of Dramatis Personae
So hey! I finally got some characters worked up for my nanowrimo project. Names are still up in the air, but the basic characters should stay more or less the same. Katherine Bishop: A middle aged woman whose grandparents emigrated from the old world. They stayed in the more established cities on the coast until Katherine’s…
Characters in UFW
There are two things I still need to hash out before NaNoWriMo. Well, probably more than that, but there are two on my mind just now. One is a plot map. Normally I’m a seat of the pants writer, making things up as I go along with only a vague idea of a plot until it’s…
Gargoyles and the UFW
This time around, I talk about gargoyles in the world of Untitled Fantasy Western. In UFW the role of the indigenous population is played not by another human culture, but by gargoyles. The name itself is something that’s been applied by the encroaching colonists, just as the term Indian was erroneously applied to Native Americans.…
Magic in the Untitled Fantasy Western
More world building for my Untitled Fantasy Western. I think magic is important to a fantasy setting. It’s what helps ses the genre apart. Because it’s so important, the system of magic you build into your fantasy world should be something you think very carefully about. Yes it’s fiction and you can really do whatever…
Fantasy Western Worldbuilding
So I’ve been thinking more about the setting for my currently untitled Fantasy Western. In order to get the sort of “wild west” setting I’m wanting to do you have to have a place where a relatively developed people are only just settling in. If this is taking place on a continent where people evolved…